International Republican Socialist Network Statement on the Zionist Assault on the Jericho Prison and Abduction of PFLP General Secretary Ahmad Saadat

The International Republican Socialist Network condemns the Zionist assault on the Jericho Muqata`ah and prison and the abduction of General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Ahmad Saadat, and PFLP comrade Fu'ad ash-Shawbaki. The IRSN also joins in the PFLP's call for an emergency convening of the Palestinian Legislative Council to clarify the facts of the attack and assess responsibility. Moreover, we condemn the Palestinian Authority for its cowardly capitulation to the Zionists in having arrested and incarcerated Ahmad Saadat in the first place. It is not a crime to struggle against occupation and to obtain national liberation and socialism. Further, we condemn the Palestinian Authority for having ignored the decision of the Palestine Supreme Court to immediately release comrade Saadat.

The artillery attack on the Jericho Maqata`ah, which completely destroyed the Jericho prison, was undertaken with the advance knowledge of the American and British governments, who with the Zionist regime must be held accountable. The attack exposed the agreement reached by the Palestinian Authority with the Americans and British, whereby the Palestinian militants were held under American and British guard, to be yet another worthless tissue of lies in a seemingly endless series of bad faith agreements concluded by the two imperialist powers.

The International Republican Socialist Network joins the PFLP in accusing the British and United States administrations in complicity with the criminal Zionist regime in coordinating and executing this new act of unwarranted aggression against the Palestinian people. It can only be hoped that this tragedy will be sufficient to once for all time expose the Zionist regime, as well as the imperialist British and American governments, has being unworthy of trust, and make plain that any assurances they might provide cannot be relied upon in the least.

The International Republican Socialist Network takes this opportunity to assert its complete solidarity with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine as the organization providing  the most effective leadership for the Palestinian people in their just and heroic struggle for national liberation and socialism.